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Autolink extension

Autolinking is the concept of matching patterns within a string and wrapping the matched result in an anchor link. This process is achieved through Interweave matchers.

Note: The regex patterns used in autolinking do not conform to their official RFC specifications, as we need to take into account word boundaries, punctuation, and more. Instead, the patterns will do their best to match against the majority of common use cases.

content="This contains a URL,, and a #hashtag, that will be converted to an anchor link!"
matchers={[new UrlMatcher('url'), new HashtagMatcher('hashtag')]}


yarn add interweave interweave-autolink


The UrlMatcher will match most variations of a URL and its segments. This includes the protocol, user and password auth, host, port, path, query, and fragment.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { UrlMatcher } from 'interweave-autolink';

matchers={[new UrlMatcher('url')]}

TLD support

By default, the UrlMatcher will validate top-level domains against a list of the most common TLDs (like .com, .net, and countries). You can disable this validation with the validateTLD option.

new UrlMatcher('url', { validateTLD: false });

Or you can provide a list of additional TLDs to validate with.

new UrlMatcher('url', { customTLDs: ['life', 'tech', 'ninja'] });


The following props are available for <Url /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • newWindow (boolean) - Open links in a new window. Defaults to false.
  • onClick (func) - Callback triggered when a link is clicked.


If a match is found, a <Url /> component will be rendered and passed the following props.

  • url (string) - The entire URL/IP that was matched.
  • urlParts (object) - Parts for the previous.
    • scheme (string) - The protocol. Defaults to "http".
    • auth (string) - The username and password authorization, excluding @.
    • host (string) - The host, domain, or IP address.
    • port (number) - The port number.
    • path (string) - The path.
    • query (string) - The query string.
    • fragment (string) - The hash fragment, including #.


The UrlMatcher does not support IP based hosts as I wanted a clear distinction between supporting these two patterns separately. To support IPs, use the IpMatcher, which will match hosts that conform to a valid IPv4 address (IPv6 not supported). Like the UrlMatcher, all segments are included.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { IpMatcher } from 'interweave-autolink';

<Interweave content="IP:" matchers={[new IpMatcher('ip')]} />;


The following props are available for <Ip /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • newWindow (boolean) - Open links in a new window. Defaults to false.
  • onClick (func) - Callback triggered when a link is clicked.


If a match is found, an <Ip /> component is rendered with the same props as <Url />.


The EmailMatcher will match an email address and link it using a "mailto:" target.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { EmailMatcher } from 'interweave-autolink';

<Interweave content="Email:" matchers={[new EmailMatcher('email')]} />;

This matcher must come before the URL matcher for everything to work correctly.


The following props are available for <Email /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • onClick (func) - Callback triggered when a link is clicked.


If a match is found, an <Email /> component will be rendered and passed the following props.

  • email (string) - The entire email address that was matched.
  • emailParts (object)
    • username (string) - The username. Found before the @.
    • host (string) - The host or domain. Found after the @.


The HashtagMatcher will match a common hashtag (like Twitter and Instagram) and link it using a custom URL (passed as a prop). Hashtag matching supports alpha-numeric (a-z0-9), underscore (_), and dash (-) characters, and must start with a #.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { HashtagMatcher } from 'interweave-autolink';

<Interweave content="Hashtag: #interweave" matchers={[new HashtagMatcher('hashtag')]} />;


The following props are available for <Hashtag /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • encodeHashtag (boolean) - Encodes the hashtag using encodeURIComponent(). Defaults to false.
  • hashtagUrl (string | func) - The URL to interpolate the matched hashtag with.
  • newWindow (boolean) - Open links in a new window. Defaults to false.
  • preserveHash (boolean) - Preserve the leading hash (#) when interpolating into a URL. Defaults to false.
  • onClick (func) - Callback triggered when a link is clicked.

Hashtags require a URL to link to, which is defined by the hashtagUrl prop. The URL must declare the following token, {{hashtag}}, which will be replaced by the matched hashtag. Or a function can be passed, which receives the hashtag as the 1st argument.

matchers={[new HashtagMatcher('hashtag')]}

// OR

hashtagUrl={hashtag => `${hashtag}`}
matchers={[new HashtagMatcher('hashtag')]}


If a match is found, a <Hashtag /> component will be rendered and passed the following props.

  • hashtag (string) - The entire hashtag that was matched (with #).


The MentionMatcher will match an @username to a custom URL (passed as a prop). Mention matching supports alpha-numeric (a-z0-9), underscore (_), and dash (-) characters, and must start with a @.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { MentionMatcher } from 'interweave-autolink';

content="Hello @username"
matchers={[new MentionMatcher('mention')]}


The following props are available for <Mention /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • mentionUrl (string | func) - The URL to interpolate the matched mention with.
  • newWindow (boolean) - Open links in a new window. Defaults to false.
  • onClick (func) - Callback triggered when a link is clicked.

Mentions require a URL to link to, which is defined by the mentionUrl prop. If the prop is not defined, the mention will be rendered as-is without being linked.

The URL must declare the following token, {{mention}}, which will be replaced by the matched username (without @). Or a function can be passed, which receives the mention as the 1st argument.

matchers={[new MentionMatcher('mention')]}

// OR

matchers={[new MentionMatcher('mention')]}
mentionUrl={mention => `${mention}`}


If a match is found, a <Mention /> component will be rendered and passed the following props.

  • mention (string) - The mention that was matched (without @).