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Emoji extension

Who loves emojis? Everyone loves emojis! This package provides support for rendering emoji, either their unicode character, or with SVG/PNGs. It utilizes Emojibase for accurate and up-to-date data.

content="This will convert emoji unicode characters (🌀), shortcodes (:cyclone:), and emoticons to SVGs! :)"
new EmojiMatcher('emoji', {
convertEmoticon: true,
convertShortcode: true,



yarn add interweave interweave-emoji emojibase

Matching emojis

The EmojiMatcher makes use of complex regex patterns provided by Emojibase to find and replace emoji unicode sequences with SVG/PNGS.

import { Interweave } from 'interweave';
import { EmojiMatcher } from 'interweave-emoji';
<Interweave content="Emoji unicode character: 🌀" matchers={[new EmojiMatcher('emoji')]} />


The following props are available for <Emoji /> components, all of which should be passed to an <Interweave /> instance.

  • emojiSize (string | number) - The width and height of emojis. Defaults to 1em.
  • emojiLargeSize (string | number) - The width and height of enlarged emojis. Defaults to 3em.
  • emojiPath (string | func) - A path to the PNG or SVG file.
  • enlargeEmoji (boolean) - Whether to enlarge the emoji or not. Automatically triggers via the matcher but can be forced with this prop. Defaults to false.
  • renderUnicode (boolean) - Render the unicode character instead of an image. Defaults to false.


Both unicode literal characters and escape sequences are supported when matching. If a match is found, an <Emoji /> component will be rendered and passed some of the following props.

  • emoticon (string) - If applicable, an emoticon for the specific emoji character.
  • hexcode (string) - The hexcode for the specific emoji character.
  • shortcode (string) - The shortcode for the specific emoji character.
  • unicode (string) - The unicode literal character.

Loading emoji data

Before emoji can be rendered, emoji data must be loaded from a CDN. To do this, the useEmojiData() hook can be used, which will fetch emoji data from Emojibase's CDN. The hook returns a tuple, with the first item being an array of all emoji data, the second item being the source object (locale, version, etc), and the third being the data manager instance.

import BaseInterweave, { InterweaveProps } from 'interweave';
import { useEmojiData } from 'interweave-emoji';

export default function Interweave(props: InterweaveProps) {
const [emojis, source, manager] = useEmojiData({ compact: false, shortcodes: ['emojibase'] });

return <BaseInterweave {...props} emojiSource={source} />;

The hook supports the following optional options.

  • compact (boolean) - Whether to load the compact or full dataset. Defaults to false.
  • locale (Locale) - The localized data to fetch. Defaults to en. View supported locales.
  • shortcodes (string[]) - List of shortcode presets to load and join with emojis. Defaults to emojibase. View supported presets.
  • throwErrors (boolean) - Throw an error when the fetch fails. Defaults to true.
  • version (string) - The emojibase-data release version to fetch. Defaults to latest. Read more.

Converting emoticons

Emoticons have been around longer than emoji, but emoji are much nicer to look at. Some emoji, not all, have an associated emoticon that can be converted to an emoji character. For example, :) would convert to 🙂.

To enable conversion of an emoticon to a unicode literal character, pass the convertEmoticon option to the matcher.

content="Smiley faces :) ;p :>]"
matchers={[new EmojiMatcher('emoji', { convertEmoticon: true })]}

A list of supported emoticons can be found in Emojibase.

Converting shortcodes

Shortcodes provide an easy non-unicode alternative for supporting emoji, and are represented by a word (or two) surrounded by two colons: :boy:.

To enable conversion of a shortcode to a unicode literal character, pass the convertShortcode option to the matcher constructor.

content="Emoji shortcode: :cyclone:"
matchers={[new EmojiMatcher('emoji', { convertShortcode: true })]}

A list of supported shortcodes can be found in Emojibase.

Displaying SVGs or PNGs

To begin, we must enable conversion of unicode characters to media (images, vector, etc), by enabling the convertUnicode option. Secondly, if you want to support shortcodes or emoticons, enable convertShortcode or convertEmoticon respectively.

new EmojiMatcher('emoji', {
convertEmoticon: true,
convertShortcode: true,
convertUnicode: true,

Now we need to provide an absolute path to the SVG/PNG file using the emojiPath prop. This path must contain a {{hexcode}} token, which will be replaced by the hexadecimal codepoint (hexcode) of the emoji.

Or a function can be passed, which receives the hexcode as the 1st argument, and an object with enlarged, smallSize, largeSize, and size (either depending on enlarge state) properties.

matchers={[new EmojiMatcher('emoji')]}

// OR

emojiPath={(hexcode, { size }) => `${size}/${hexcode}.png`}
matchers={[new EmojiMatcher('emoji')]}

Both media formats make use of the img tag and will require an individual file, as sprites and icon fonts are not supported. The following resources can be used for downloading SVG/PNG icons.

Note: SVGs require CORS to work correctly, so files will need to be stored locally, or within a CDN under the same domain. Linking to remote SVGs will not work -- use PNGs instead.

Lastly, to control the width and height of the img, use the emojiSize prop, which accepts a number or string. If a number is provided, it'll be passed down to React, which defaults to px.

<Interweave emojiSize={32} emojiLargeSize={96} /> // 32px, 96px
<Interweave emojiSize="1em" emojiLargeSize="3em" /> // 1em, 3em

I suggest using em scaling as the emoji will scale relative to the text around it.

Displaying unicode characters

To display native unicode characters as is, pass the renderUnicode option to the matcher constructor. This option will override the rendering of SVGs or PNGs, and works quite well alongside shortcode or emoticon conversion.

new EmojiMatcher('emoji', { renderUnicode: true });

Automatic enlargement

When an emoji is the only character within the content, it will automatically be enlarged. To disable this functionality, set enlargeThreshold to 0. Inversely, if you want to increase the threshold in which emojis are enlarged, increase the count.

new EmojiMatcher('emoji', { enlargeThreshold: 3 });

For example, if enlargeThreshold is set to 3, and 3 emojis are found, all will be enlarged.

Testing utilities

Since emoji data must be fetched, this can be rather tedious to mock correctly and efficiently when testing. To get around this, the mockEmojiData() function can be used, which should be called during your testing framework's boostrap and not in a beforeEach event.

By default this will only mock English (en) data. If you need to support additional locales, call the method again with the locale code, but do note that the actual data will still be in English (it just avoids a fetch).

import { mockEmojiData } from 'interweave-emoji/test';

mockEmojiData('fr'); // For other locales

Mocking requires the emojibase-test-utils dependency to be installed.